Oct 4, 2011

The shape of UK looks like...

368 : Anonymous
The shape of UK looks like a girl who worries about the size of her breasts, doesn't it?

371 : Anonymous
I...don't think it does...

371 : Anonymous
Hm...little bit hard to understand. Draw a picture and explain it.

483 : Anonymous
Something like this.

488 : Anonymous

560 : Anonymous
A girl....looks like a gentlewoman.

495 : Anonymous
That looks like Victorian age.

505 : Anonymous
Right. But still looks more like a lady who is praying.

580 : Anonymous
It looks like this to me.

600 : Anonymous
Manchester wwwwww

596 : Anonymous
OK. I understand at least how much you love Manchester.

606 : Anonymous
You bastard!

598 : Anonymous
I like that. Keep on!

540 : Anonymous
Something like this? So....what is Northern Ireland supposed to be?

554 : Anonymous
I like that.

626 : Anonymous
Hmm....I put wings just for now because I didn't know what to do to Northern Ireland.

638 : Anonymous

This is from Twitter.          http://twitpic.com/6mvkz1