Sep 28, 2011

Beautiful women never take a crap and cut a fart, right?

A posting about beautiful women on Japanese YAHOO! ANSWERS.


Beautiful women never take a crap and cut a fart, right? I can't even imagine they are doing so. If they are ugly female comedians, I can imagine easily.... Actually Do they do so?
Even if they do so, I think that's gonna be a beautiful poo like a diamond or emerald. And their fart also smells nice like perfume.
Even so, I have no chance to make sure about it because I'm still just a junior high school boy.
If there are some people who are dating with beautiful women here, Please tell me the truth. I'm prepared to accept it.


I'll tell you the truth.
Usually a cute rabbit comes out of beautiful women's bottom.They become more beautiful by cuddling the cute rabbit. The fart smells like a perfume of Chanel. The sound is "Teeheehee".
On the other hand, a beetle comes out of ugly women's butt. Ugly women become more uglier by the beetle. The fart is Helium gas, and the sound is "You bastard!!".
Ugly women's voice get more weirder because of the helium gas, and it makes them uglier and uglier.