Sep 30, 2011

30 funny pictures #2

Sep 28, 2011

Beautiful women never take a crap and cut a fart, right?

A posting about beautiful women on Japanese YAHOO! ANSWERS.

Sep 20, 2011

Winning entries of paper-crafting are so great

An exhibition about paper-crafting was run in Tokyo by September 17th. It was hold to show the appeal of paper and almost 60 handiworks were displayed. And one of them seems to fascinate guys too much.

Sep 18, 2011

How to make people irritated

As everybody knows, smoothing human relations is quite important and difficult. That's why there are tons of books about how to smooth it or handle relationships psychologically. Today I'm gonna show you guys how to do it by learning how to make people irritated. And all you have to do is to avoid acting like those videos I'll put here.

Sep 2, 2011

Please make this new Vocaloid attractive!!!

Vocaloid has been super famous in Japan since HATSUNE MIKU was released by Yamaha in 2007. Since then various kinds of Vocaloid have been released so far. People actually seem to be so interested in the picture of the package. I'm gonna show you a guy tried to make a brand new vocaloid, getting supports from a thread.