Aug 5, 2011

There is a girl who is tiny and has big eyes in a Pachinko hall I often go...

A guy suddenly started telling a story about himself...

493 : Anonymous
There is a girl who is tiny and has big eyes in a Pachinko hall I often go. When I saw her for the first time, she looked like kinda bitch. But actually she was polite girl and worked very hard, smiling. When I won the game, she said "Congratulations! I'm glad you won ^^". She is something like this.

494 : Anonymous
After I became kinda frequent customer, every time she sees me, she greeted me with great smile. When I exchange the coins into cash, she said "I won a lot again ^^". Obviously she treated me differently from other customers. I was getting to like her, and I became like...go to the hall just to meet her in the end.

497 : Anonymous
One morning, when I entered the hall right after it opened, she came to me and said "Oh you came today as well. Thank you very much". So I just answered "I came here because I wanted to see you ^^" just like as if I was joking. And then She seemed to be surprised, and blushed in her face, saying "I'm also happy to be able to see you". I got so excited and was so happy.

498 : Anonymous
Since then I had always been thinking about asking her out, but I couldn't do that because I didn't have any guts for that. But one day, I went there as usual, I couldn't see her. And next day again, I couldn't see her there. And I asked other staff about her cause I was so worried about her. He said "Ah...She quit the other day".

499 : Anonymous
I was so astonished and went home, walking weakly. After that, I stopped going to the Pachinko hall. One month later, While I was drinving neighborhood, suddenly I saw her walking into a convenience store. " She is there!!!"

500 : Anonymous
I pulled over and went inside the shop. I made my mind....and talked to her. "Hello". She looked so surprised. And I just thought I shouldn't have done that. But She said " Oh! Long time no see!!!", smiling as usual.

501 : Anonymous
I was so happy. She didn't forget about me. Right after I got relieved, She said to me "Do you live around here? I didn't know that. Actually I was thinking I wish I could meet you again" and then "Do you have time? if you don't mind, why don't we talk a little bit?". And I said " So....What do you say coming to my house?". She was thinking about it for a while, but in the end she said "Yes..." with a shy smile.

502 : Anonymous
When We arrived home, She put her hand on my hand. I cuddled her intolerantly. She didn't refuse it at all. And when I asked her like "Is it OK?", She nodded without looking at me.

504 : Anonymous
I get her kit off slowly and kissed her breast. She accepted everything, and we slept together. When I woke up, She wasn't there. I thought It was just my dream and got depressed.

505 : Anonymous
And when I went to wash my face, she was there...She said "Morning. seems you slept well ^^". I thought it wasn't a dream and was happy to hear that. She said to me "We're gonna be together forever", getting shy.

When I asked the store manager like "Do you have such kinda porno video?" , the muscular guy who has a stubby beard put his hand on my shoulder and said, smiling "Go home"