Sep 14, 2011

A video about 30-year aniversary of Super Mario made by guys from NICO NICO DOUGA is unexpectedly great.

19 : Anonymous
YouTube version.

28 : Anonymous
That's great.

29 : Anonymous
Is that the official one?

34 : Anonymous
No. It's not.

30 : Anonymous
The quality is quite high. I even thought it was made by Nintendo.

31 : Anonymous
That's so great as a work. The guy who makes such kinda stuff doesn't make it as a hobby, right? Is he a professional?

32 : Anonymous
It seems to be made by some people. But still the quality is great.

45 : Anonymous
18 minutes...too long!!

59 : Anonymous
I'm impressed.

72 : Anonymous
I like that BGM.

103 : Anonymous
I like that video itself, but look at this screen shot. That's why I hate the guys from Nico Nico Video.

(The sign says "Nico Nico")

109 : Anonymous
Doesn't matter.

128 : Anonymous
That's absolutely great. I know that requires huge effort.
But It's too long, too noisy. I don't like them.

133 : Anonymous
Don't even start fighting about such craps.

186 : Anonymous
Congrats 30-years, The world most famous plumber, Mario!!

ニコニコ動画 (Nico Nico Douga)
Nico Nico