Jul 29, 2011

A girl I like and have been following seems to be troubled over a stalker.

About a thread made by a guy who thinks a girl he likes and has been following seems to be troubled over a stalker. Everybody else knows something weird and maybe he is...

1 : Anonymous
I just wanna help her...

2 : Anonymous
just keep your eyes on her.

4 : Anonymous
Seriously? You really have to help her and find out the stalker!

5 : Anonymous
Yeah, I definitely will keep my eyes on her.

6 : Anonymous
If you are far from her, you can't help her in case of emergency.
So just keep closer to her.

7 : Anonymous
Alright!! I'll supervise her just in front of her house.

9 : Anonymous
Even if she is in her house, there still might be some dangers.
Why don't you set up some cameras inside?

great idea!

10 : Anonymous
I guess the stalker will call her someday.
So you should look up her number and sometimes call her to make sure if she is OK. You don't even say anything to her tho because you just have to check about it.


11 : Anonymous
OK....So...she might be stolen her underwear...
Hey >>1, You should keep those stuff not to be stolen by the stalker.

Good point. Yeah I'm worried about it. I'll think of it.

14 : Anonymous
To keep her safe, I'll suggest you putting your underwear on her deck.

15 : Anonymous
If you write to her everyday, she will be relieved. EVERYDAY.

16 : Anonymous
And you also have to keep her mail articles not to be stolen.

17 : Anonymous
Look her up through and through and you'll find out the stalker.

18 : Anonymous
Stalkers tend to get personal information from trash bags. So you should check if she cares about it enough.

23 : Anonymous
In case of emergency, you have to put some listening devices...

31 : Anonymous
I really hate stalkers!
I'm on your side >>1!!

32 : Anonymous
If you keep hiding under her bed, I think you can help her immediately when the stalker intrudes her house.

34 : Anonymous
I can feel....There seems to be the stalker in this thread...
>>1, you have to be careful about it not to be stolen the ways to protect her...

37 : Anonymous
Maybe you also have to make a spare key.

39 : Anonymous

40 : Anonymous
You also noticed that?
I think >>1 is dying to protect her...

42 : Anonymous
Stalkers are the worst people in the world!
Hang in there >>1 !!

43 : Anonymous
She may be already kinda in danger. You have to take her to your place.

44 : Anonymous
Yeah good. This is totally for her safe. Even if she refuses it, you must take her to your place by head and shulder.

49 : Anonymous
I'm so proud of you >>1.

52 : Anonymous
Yeah >>1 is so kind.

24 : Anonymous
Hey....by any chance...actually is the stalker....y.....

25 : Anonymous